Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Enjoyment of the Moment

The music listen culture during the cassette era could really listen the whole album and we really listening to it. Compare to now, we can purchase a single track from the internet, we can click on the famous track and totally ignore the others tracks. I used to listen to an album by really listening it. Like I would play the cassette after school listen the whole album, sing along with it instead of what I do right now: I listen to music because of the silent, because I want to ignore the noisy sound of the traffics while riding bicycle to work or in the subway. It became a by-the-way thing like it's beside something, not the main purpose anymore.

I used to listen to music from cassette, I saved RM10-20 and go to malls to buy a cassette and listen to it in room from track 1 until the end of Side A and turned it over to Side B, finished the whole cassette while looking at the artwork and pictures of the cassette and read the lyrics(if available). I seldom skip track because that is a rocket science to do it accurately right at the beginning of the track I wanted to listen next with my cassette player that fully manually can't even do track-forward. Listening to an album like this kinda can create an emotion to the listeners, for example, I would really exited at the ending of a track that before my favorite track, and I like to mumble the next track intro at the silent gap in between 2 tracks. That makes me feel like I'm a prophet, can predict what happening next. And also can appreciate the art of the track arrangement in an album. Really engaged to it, follow the emotion tone and concept of the album.

The digital music listening culture is actually helping artists or ruin artists? Because the artist has a pop/hit track that allow people knows about the other works? or, because of a pop/hit track the other less pop but also nice tracks got forgotten?

Friday, May 11, 2012


昨天因为睡到中午12点才起床所以晚上睡不着。为什么我可以在星期四睡到中午呢?因为我从上个星期五开始就每天只睡 2 至 3 个小时。星期四晚上十点多回到家,在 Facebook 游荡了 2 个小时,玩了 1 个小时的吉他。差不多凌晨 1 点多了,一点睡意都没有,打开笔记本看看网上有什么电影看,结果选中了《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》。一出我想看很久了,可是因为网上和朋友间都一直挂在嘴边所以我有点反感,就先搁一边了。当再有人问我看过了没,我就装酷的反问 “没有啊?什么戏来的?好看吗?”。我就是一个“人人都在做,我偏偏不做。”的装逼男。

The trivia items below may give away important plot points. -IMDB

好了,终于看了,看完之后我觉得最可惜的不是柯景腾没有和沉佳宜在一起,也不是遗憾柯景腾没有回头向沉佳宜说对不起,最可惜、遗憾、后悔的是我自己从来没有像他们一样在中学时代有过一段那样纯真、甜蜜、暧昧的爱情。很多朋友都说“很像我们以前” ,我很羡慕你们。不知道为什么,我中学时也有一群高矮肥瘦帅呆富贫老是在一起的好朋友,但是我们就从来没有一起追过一个女孩。通常只要我们里面其中一位说他喜欢谁想追谁,就算我们可能也有那个念头,可是你先讲了,我们就打消念头支持你,追你要追的那个女孩身边的好朋友。那样我们就可以一起出来玩,他们俩的机会也会多。



感触是有的,但是都是一些很糗的事,如我也做过类似在篮球上写“沉佳宜” 名字的动作,可是却被朋友笑。但是在一个长年夏天只有雨季和旱季又没有地震的国家,分一半手套,打电话慰问这种事是不会发生的。很久没有看到这样温馨没有太戏剧性及超现实的完美结局的中文电影了,画面都很美,演员也很好看,也没有太多夸张地刻意植入的 90 年代元素,一切都很自然。


Oh MAMA I wanna go Surfin'

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